All tenants’ access cards to rented apartments need to match information shown on their identification cards beginning next month, the Daily Sunshine reported Saturday.
Foreign and Chinese residents are subject to the new rules which apply to anyone renting an apartment in Shenzhen.
A document was drawn up by the city’s marketing supervision administration and the public security bureau to standardize the surveillance system for entrance into apartments in Shenzhen. The document is going to implement an array of new standards for security from Aug. 1.
The document sets design principles, technology requirements and specific construction standards for the security systems in rented housing.
The requirements will apply to all rented properties, including those newly built, renovated or expanded rented properties in urban villages and residential communities.
Collecting and managing tenants’ information will also be done by the new system.
The new document defines rules for when tenants can access the rented apartments.
For instance, the tenants can access the properties only with the approval from the property owners and the managing center of the community.
When issuing the access cards or keys, tenants need to provide the information shown on a photo ID as well a property’s serial code. The information encoded in the access cards will also be filed with the public security bureau.