barry says Shenzhen has just announced its decision to turn its Airport into an “International Hub.” This means building a 3rd Runway with another new Terminal, hot on the heels of having opened a 2nd Runway and brand new eye-catching terminal just last year. Both Guangzhou and Hong Kong are ‘hub airports’ that are granted State support but Shenzhen has limited international connections and doesn’t want to miss out on South China’s international air travel bonanza.
Guangzhou has just completed construction of a 3rd runway and planning has commenced for a 4th whilst the addition of a 5th is intended in the longer term. Hong Kong is almost certain to add a 3rd runway, with planning well advanced despite large scale opposition. Macau and Zhuhai Airports add two more runways in the PRD.
If we're moving towards decarbonising our economy this must mean that alternative means of transport; land transport, will be favoured over air transport and investments in new runways will turn out to be white elephants." References:
[1] Airports Council International [2] CAAC [3] Shenzhen International Airport [4] [5] CAAC. [6] CAAC [7] An Investigation of Airspace Congestion & Possible Air Traffic Management Integration in the Pearl River Delta Region of Southern China - Aviation Policy and Research Center, The Chinese University of Hong Kong |